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Smart Budgeting Tips for Freelancers

Written by Team Bountiful at Bountisphere | Mar 19, 2024 1:30:00 PM

Smart Budgeting Tips for Freelancers

Achieving stability and growth in your freelance career

Let's talk about a skill that's as crucial to your freelancing career as your expertise in your field: budgeting. We know, the word itself might bring a mix of feelings, especially when your income feels like it's riding a rollercoaster. One month you're up, the next you're wondering where it all went.

Here's the thing: mastering the art of budgeting sets the stage for future growth and those dreams you're working so hard to achieve.

And guess what? You don't have to figure it all out on your own. At Bountisphere, we get the unique challenges and opportunities that come with freelance life. We're here to offer you not just advice but real, supportive guidance to help you find your footing and thrive.

Determine your average income

Let's talk about why knowing your average income over several months is necessary for laying down a solid financial foundation.

First off, calculating your average income helps you paint a realistic picture of what you're earning. It smooths out the highs and lows, giving you a clearer view of what you can expect to make in an average month. This is incredibly important because it forms the basis of your budget. Without it, planning for both your regular expenses and those unexpected costs can feel like trying to hit a moving target in the dark.

So, how do you start? Begin by tracking your income over a period – say, the last six to twelve months. Yes, it might seem like a bit of homework, but it's worth the effort. Add up all the income you've earned from your freelance gigs during this time and then divide by the number of months. The result is your average monthly income.

Identifying this number has another big perk: It allows you to make informed decisions about saving, investing, and even splurging a little. When you know what you're working with, you can set aside funds for taxes, retirement, and an emergency buffer, all while ensuring you're covering your daily living costs.

Remember, while freelancing offers the freedom to choose your projects and manage your time, it also comes with the responsibility of managing your income wisely.

Create a buffer fund

Having a buffer fund is like having a safety net under your trapeze, there to catch you during the lean months or when unexpected expenses pop up.

Knowing you have a financial cushion means you won't have to panic every time a client delays payment or if work dries up temporarily. You can still cover your rent, groceries, and other essentials, even when income is unpredictable.

So, how big should this safety net be? A good rule of thumb is to aim for a buffer that can cover your living expenses for three to six months. This might sound like a mountain to climb, especially if you're just starting out. But don't worry, you can build it up gradually.

Here's how to start:

  1. Review your expenses: Look back at your average monthly spending to get an idea of how much you'll need to save.
  2. Set a monthly saving goal: Based on your average income, decide on a realistic amount you can set aside each month.
  3. Open a dedicated savings account: Keep your buffer fund separate from your regular checking account to avoid the temptation of dipping into it for non-essentials.
  4. Automate your savings: Set up an automatic transfer to your savings account each month. Even small amounts add up over time!

Building a buffer fund is a gradual process that requires consistency and patience. Start small, and as your freelance income grows, you can increase your monthly contributions. Before you know it, you'll have built a financial cushion that not only secures your present but also invests in your future peace of mind.

Prioritize essential expenses

Essential expenses are the costs that keep your life and business running. These typically include housing, utilities, groceries, health insurance, and any business expenses that are critical to your work, like internet service or software subscriptions.

When mapping out your budget, these essentials should take top priority since they cover your basic needs and ensure you can continue working at the top of your game.

Here’s a step-by-step approach to get your essentials in order:

  1. List out your monthly expenses: Write down everything you spend money on in a month.
  2. Categorize each expense: Mark each one as either essential or non-essential. Be honest with yourself here. While it might be nice to have the latest gadgets or subscriptions, are they truly essential?
  3. Allocate your income: Once you know your average income (thanks to our previous discussions), allocate funds to cover your essential expenses first. This ensures that your basics are always covered.
  4. Review and adjust regularly: Your needs and income may change over time. Make it a habit to review your expenses regularly and adjust your allocations as needed.

By prioritizing your essential expenses, you’ll also have a clearer view of where you can potentially cut back if you need to save more or if you're working towards a specific financial goal.

Use a zero-based budget

Zero-based budgeting is a method that takes a fresh approach to managing your finances, particularly helpful for those ebbs and flows of freelance income.

At its core, it means giving every dollar you earn a specific job, ensuring that your income minus your expenses equals zero by the end of the month. This doesn't mean you spend all your money; rather, you allocate it toward different goals, including savings and investments, so there's a place for every penny.

The beauty of zero-based budgeting for freelancers is its flexibility and clarity. It allows you to adjust your budget each month based on your actual income, which can vary widely in freelance work. Starting each month with a clear plan for how you'll allocate your income can help you make the most of good months and stay secure during slower periods.

To implement a zero-based budget, start by tracking your income for the next month. Then, list all your expenses, starting with the essentials we discussed earlier. After you've allocated funds for necessities, assign remaining funds to other priorities, like debt repayment or even a personal treat.

The final goal is to balance your budget out to zero at the end of the month, with every dollar assigned a role.

This method requires a bit more time and attention than some other budgeting techniques since you need to review and adjust it monthly. However, the payoff is a budget that truly reflects your financial situation and goals, ensuring that you're making intentional choices with your money.

Track your expenses

For freelancers whose income might fluctuate, staying on top of your expenses is even more critical. It helps you to identify patterns in your spending and find potential areas for savings, which you can use to adjust your budget in real-time.

Start by choosing a method for tracking that suits your lifestyle. Whether it's an app that syncs with your bank accounts (like ours!) or even a notebook, the key is consistency. Make it a habit to review your transactions regularly – daily or weekly – to ensure that you're always aware of your financial status.

By staying engaged with your spending, you'll likely discover opportunities to cut unnecessary expenses and redirect those funds toward your financial goals.

Plan for taxes and retirement

Tackling taxes and retirement planning might not be the most thrilling part of freelancing, but it's undeniably crucial. Let's break down some strategies to handle these with as little stress as possible.

Save for taxes as you go

A smart move is to set aside a portion of each payment you receive for tax obligations. A common recommendation is to save around 25-30% of your income in a separate savings account designated for taxes. This way, you won't be caught off guard when tax time rolls around.

Set aside for retirement now

Without an employer-sponsored retirement plan, it's up to you to secure your financial future. Opening an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or a Solo 401(k) can be excellent options. These accounts not only help you save for retirement but also offer tax advantages that can reduce your taxable income now or in the future, depending on the type of account you choose.

Consider professional advice

Given the complexities of tax laws and retirement planning, consulting with a financial advisor or tax professional can provide personalized advice tailored to your situation. They can help you better understand tax deductions and other financial planning aspects specific to freelancers.


From understanding your average income to creating a buffer fund, we've covered the ground necessary for financial stability and growth. We also touched on the importance of keeping a close eye on expenses and planning ahead for taxes and retirement.

Remember, budgeting is more of a journey than a set destination. What works for you now might need adjustment down the line, and that's perfectly okay.

If you're looking for more personalized advice or deeper insights into managing your freelance finances, Bountisphere is here to help. Our personal financial management tool is designed with freelancers like you in mind.

So, don't hesitate to explore what we have to offer. With the right tools and a bit of determination, you can make budgeting work for you.